Since this is a blog about the journey of my novel’s completion, you probably want to know a little bit about my novel.

My novel is called Seeking the Lost Soul. It is about a girl, Rena Eve, who moves to Boston and attends a private high school, the Miller Academy. Rena meets a descendent from the founder of the school, James Miller. Through James, Rena is reunited with her estranged father after seven years. Rena and her father grow closer. Meanwhile, he holds a secret that everyone knows about, except Rena.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Where the Action Is

Another aspect of writing I struggle with is writing action scenes. My internal dialogue is great. My descriptions are great. But when it comes to writing action, my writing seems to lag and it rushes through all of it.

I recently wrote a short story about a teenage girl who goes to the fair with her friends and little sister. The little sister wanders off, leaving the teenage girl in a whirl of panic. At least to me it was panic. In the actual story, it was just boring sentence after boring sentence following the girl in the pursuit of her sister. All of the feedback from my fellow workshoppers said the same thing.

It got me thinking, what makes a good action scene? What keeps me on the edge when I’m writing an intense scene? I’m thinking it is the actual language itself. Sentences build in quickness as you read them; they get choppier and choppier. I have yet to try this out, but I will soon.


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